Thursday, November 4, 2010

Shelf-bust 101

Talk about dreams imitating life imitating art imitating Clueless (well actually it was more of a montage of Clueless, Pretty in Pink and Slipper & the Rose)... In a dream last night, Sarah was designing me the most perfect party frock. Actually she had about three on the go because I wasn't exactly sure what style I liked the most and had to see them all constructed & photographed before I could commit (typical!). All of the dresses had '50s shelf-bust features. And '80s extravagance. The dresses were made variously from polka-dot taffetta (sky-blue with black 5c piece sized spots, pink with black, black with white). So, the purpose of this post is to express my conscious & subconscious love of the shelf-bust feature. And to explain to Sarah exactly what it is - something I didn't quite manage over muesli this morning. I may have used the term "shelf-bra" & really that conjures up images of '90s hip-house bustiers & the like.
So Sarah, this is what I was getting at:

And this:

Note the awesome airguns the brunette in lemon is packin'. Airguns! When a dress inspires airguns you know it's what I like to call a "Party in a Dress".

So, reckon we can put up a shelf-bust or two in my wardrobe? Don't panic, I don't mean for the witness-dress, just as a summer building project.

Perhaps we can combine it with the Magyar Sleeve project.

Ohhh and a quick yogel of Magyar just informed me that by definition, Magyar, being a sleeve cut from the body of a garment is technically a batwing!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Think big and your deeds will grow...

...Think that you can and you will, it's all in your state of mind."
(Mum's marathon mantra).
Note: Sarah's homework outfittery- lilac floral-print chiffon maxi dress (thrifted from the dress-up box - Osti perhaps?), with pin-tucking and Pin-Wheel Deeley Bopper headwear. Now, why don't I study in such outrageous get-ups?!!! Time to take it to the next level as Sarah herself would say. And does.
At least 5692* times a day!
*Mum's other favourite mantra, "I've asked you 5, 692 times!"

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Most days I do find myself wondering, "What would Molly do?"

Meanwhile Andy is probably pondering, "Blaine... Now, is that a name or a major appliance?"

Just studying, designing, daydreaming the day away today. Major Blaine drain.


The Little Red Witch *

From across the wild seas, a spellbinding songstress commissioned a "bat-crazy" dress for conjuring her stagecraft.
After much toile and trouble, a bell-winged dress manifested itself (with a little couture alchemy courtesy of my scarily talented soeur - aka Sarah B.).
As the songstress herself declared, "It's totally Stevie Nicks meets Kate Bush in the forrest" and "the red pops like corn!"

* Dress named for a childhood favourite fairytale by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite.